Before GP Of Belgium
|Finaly the long break in the Bulgarian Racing League is over and we can race again in our favourite league.
During the break, the management took an important decision – to make the league international and thus allow foreign drivers to participate. The most important materials on the website have been translated in order to help foreign drivers. There was also work on some news and result materials that where previously delayed. The work will continue at full power in the future, as the management has promised a big surprise for 2014 for its participants. Currently though, there is no more information regarding that.
Прави впечатление, че по време на тестовете на Спа, класирането в сесиите остана почти същото както в досегашните състезания. Христо Ичов и Иво Младенов диктуваха най-добрите времена, като единствен Димитър Пашов успяваше да бъде близо до тях. След това се нареждат Димитър Дулички, Кирил Стоянов, Тодор Пангев и Иван Леонов. Очаква се и появата на още пилоти, като към този момент никой не се наема да прогнозира колкото пилоти ще има на грида довечера около 20:00, когато ще започне състезанието.
During the Spa pre-event tests, the likes of Hristo Itchov and Ivo Mladenov where once again in the top two places in the time sheets. Only Dimitar Pashov was close to them and has a big chance of matching their pace in the race. Next on the list were drivers like Dimitar Dulichki, Kiril Stoyanov, Todor Pangev and Ivan Leonov.The management expects more drivers to participate in the official race, but no one can bet how many players are going to be on the grid at 20:00 GMT +3, when the race will start.

Димитър Пашов пък завърши втори, като бе много близо до победата, но много малко не му достигна да се доближи достатъчно близо до лидера за да опита атака. Кирил Стоянов също се качи на подиума след силно каране. На моменти Кирил дори бе лидер на колоната, а през състезетелната дистанция имаше цели 5 различни лидери. Христо Ичов пък едва ли ще иска да си спомни за това състезание, в което имаше проблеми с бордюра на последния завой, което му коства отпадане от надпреварата.
Цели 14 човека уважиха състезанието миналата година.
Last year’s race was won by Dimitar Dulichki, who eventually became the champion later in the season. It will be interesting to see if this will happen this year too.
Dimitar Pashov was very close to the race winner, but could not manage to close the gap enough to make an attack for the lead of the race. Kiril Stoyanov did a good race too and managed to finish on the podium. He even led the race at one point, while during the whole race distance there were 5 different leaders. Hristo Itchov would not want to remember this race though, as he had big problems with the curb of the last turn, which led to his retirement.
A total of 14 drivers participated in last year’s race.

In the end of this article, we would like to remind all drivers to make sure they read the official rulebook of the league once again, to fill themselves in on the required information. During the official sessions, please don’t ask annoying questions like ”how many laps is the race”, “will my engine stay cool with 1 radiator setting”, “what type of tyres should I drive with” and so on. All the information you need is on the site. There was enough time for everybody to make a good preparation for the event.
Успех на всички участници в състезанието!
Good luck to everyone taking part in the race!